Crescent Mexicana is an engineering company specialized in offering solutions tailored to the needs of our clients, who expect from us creative responses and innovative technologies, whether for production, safety, performance or cost reduction. In each project we put all our capacity, experience and commitment:
We are committed to delivering results, without excuses ...
Our History: The company was established in 2005 with the objective of offering goods and services to the Oil and Gas industry in the Marine Region of Mexico.
The oil and gas sector represents for Mexico one of the most important economic activities, that is why Crescent Mexicana seeks to satisfy the market demands in a timely manner with the most competitive prices, placing the highest quality products at the customer's service and with the best technology available.
Starting in 2014, we have specialized in the problem of carbonates and other salts depositions in wells in the Marine Region and, by extension, the problem of fouling builds-up in general.
Microbial formations and the subsequent formation of algae and encrustations represent a serious problem in most industries that use water in their processes, problems that cost millions in maintenance, repairs and production stoppages.
In 2015 we have added to our portfolio, solutions for the Agro-industry , attacking the problems in water supply systems for irrigation and the optimization of agricultural production with our line of green products that represent more efficient alternatives than the traditional pesticides and agrochemicals, helping organic producers to reach record level shields.
At Crescent Mexicana, we have understood the causes and effects of biofilm formation on the surfaces associated with the different industrial processes and we have developed, together with our commercial partners, the technologies necessary to solve these problems remotely and economically efficiently.
We have also specialized in the control of fats and oils in Hotels, Restaurants, Shopping Malls and Industries, generating permanent solutions that can be remotely monitored from our state of the art platform. Our clients can run their business without worry. We have clients who started using our services more than 5 years ago and are still with us.
We are currently working on different projects related to the optimization of water systems in the Agricultural, Mining, Oil and Gas, Maritime, Breeding and Slaughtering industries.