Solutions for the Oil and Gas Industry
Submerged Platforms and Structures
In the Exploration and Production platforms there are multiple opportunities for the development of biofilm and the consequent fouling. Semi-submersible platforms remain stationary for long periods of time, which makes antifouling paints ineffective for submerged parts. The same happens in production structures fixed to the ocean floor. The appearance of the biofilm on the surfaces is the first step that allows other species to adhere to the surface and cause damage to the paint which encourages corrosion.
By using ultrasound-based protection systems, we can keep submerged surfaces free of algae and encrustations, reducing maintenance costs and downtime in operations.
Sustainable, tested, guaranteed and totally maintenance-free systems.
Hydrocarbon Transportation Pipelines
Hydrocarbon and process water transport pipes can see their internal diameter reduced due to the formation of incrustations of different salts that precipitate inside them, this problem causes considerable mechanical cleaning costs (pigging) that require downtime. of production. On the other hand, submerged pipes are attacked on the outside by biofilm and the formation of algae and encrustations.
We have different technologies from ultrasound, organic acids and anti-scale rings to reduce or eliminate carbonate scale and other depositional salts.
Sustainable, tested, guaranteed and totally maintenance-free systems.
Oily Water On-Site Treatment
Offshore oil facilities, process vessels, and service ships generate different waters with a high content of Hydrocarbons and other pollutants, generically called oily waters. The treatment and disposal of these waters is a dangerous and highly costly process, at present most of the solutions proposed by the market include transfer to land, the separation of the little usable crude, the incineration of waste and final disposal, tasks that are not always carried out in the same place.
The Mexican legislation and that of most of the countries contemplate a maximum legal limit of Hydrocarbon content (TPH) of 15 ppm in the discharge waters, we propose the in situ treatment of oily and contaminated waters by various sources, by using of the CM-HYD 500 product that allows TPH reductions from more than 600 ppm to less than 15 ppm in less than 48 hours, combined with other environmentally friendly technologies to treat oily water in the same place where it is generated.
This solution entails considerable reductions in the cost of maritime and land transportation and in final disposal expenses. In addition to minimizing the risks inherent to the handling of highly polluting substances. On the other hand, the operator that generates the waste maintains control over it, which minimizes the legal risks involved in handing over the treatment of hazardous waste to a third party.
Sustainable, tested, guaranteed and totally maintenance-free systems.
Automatic cleaning of oil-based drilling mud in tanks and dams
During drilling, and depending on the lithology being drilled, one or more changes of the type of mud may be necessary, in the event that the mud to be used is not compatible with the previous one, the total cleaning of the equipment and containers of the sludge circulation system is required. The cleaning task, must be performed as soon as the new mud, displacing the previous one, reaches the surface.
At that time, the shakers and the settlement dam must be cleaned to continue drilling. Currently cleaning is done manually with mechanical methods that require three or more people to enter and remain in confined spaces with all the risks that this implies. The current average cleanup time is 24 - 36 hours during which time there is no progress with consequent loss of rig cost, not counting days of lost production.
A similar problem occurs on ships that transport drilling muds (Barcos Loderos), as the mud in the tanks tends to settle in areas where agitators do not reach. These settlements accumulate the highest density material and become very difficult to clean, with the consequent loss of operating time and increased risk to personnel.
Crescent Mexicana has developed a patented automatic cleaning system, which reduces cleaning times to less than 12 hours without personnel entering confined areas. The system consists of a remotely controlled robot that injects, with high pressure and flow, a water-based fluid that is associated with the diesel base of the sludge, integrating it into the water column, this process allows the content of the dam to be easily pumped towards an external separator where the solids are separated. The fluid is reused through a closed circulation system.